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Open Doors

Open Doors is a mobile application that allows users in the US to uplift and encourage persecuted Christians (The Persecuted Church) in areas where being a Christian is not safe or outright illegal through prayer.


Hired by the development shop, Devscale, as a contract product owner for the consumer application and merchant web-based platform, I worked with the client to take the products from conception to development. I led discovery calls with the client, created the requirements list, and worked closely with the product designer and lead engineer of the development shop. 

Duration - 6 Months

PRODUCT (Admin Web Application)

0.0.0 Login.png

The desktop application is focused on creating content and managing users within the application. The ideal goal was to have an efficient way to connect content to users' preferences to maximize relevant content in a consumer's feed. 

PRODUCT (Consumer Application)

We built this application from the MVP being successful with high adoption in the market. For this project, we added functionality that allowed users to view more content and "give" to organizations that are making an impact on users' preferences. 

0.1.0 Splash_welcome screen.png


  • Creating a process map helped confirm alignment between product and client on MVP.

  • If the client can be boarded to Figma, providing them comment access can accelerate the approval process for designs.

  • Features should always have goals associated with them. If a product can tie the feature back to a business requirement or solution, then features for MVP can clearly be prioritized. 

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